Thursday, April 24, 2008

Favorite Match #3

3. Ric Flair vs. Ricky Steamboat for the NWA World Heavyweight Championship at NWA's Wrestle War '89; May 7th, 1989 at the Nashville Municipal Auditorium in Nashville, Tennessee
This was the final match (and in my opinion the best) of Flair and Steamboat's historical run that took place back in 1989. It was the materialistic Nature Boy and Ricky "the family man" Steamboat for the NWA World Heavyweight Championship. The powers to be in WCW at the time added an extra stipulation, stating that this would be Flair's last shot at the World Title. If he lost, Ric Flair would never again wrestle for the title. Like the champion he was, Slic' Ric never panicked. He continued his flamboyant lifestyle, shoving his $1,000 suits, hordes of women, and $20,000 Rolex down Steamboat's throat. In turn, the Dragon continued to promote wholesome family values. Like I documented in my rivalry piece on these two great athletes, Steamboat had beaten Flair for the title in their first big match of '89 and the outcome of their second match was highly controversial. Everything had been building to this moment and at Wrestle War '89 in Nashville, Tennessee Ric Flair made the best of his "last chance," beating the Dragon for the belt in an epic encounter still talked about and highly regarded to this day. The match definitely lived up to all the hype in terms of both wrestling and intensity. Many wrestling fans and historians cite this match as one of the greatest professional wrestling matches of all-time. In fact, it was even voted as 1989's "Match of the Year" by Pro Wrestling Illustrated.

Recap of Flair and Steamboat's controversial match at the Clash of Champions plus some promos for Wrestle War...

Ric Flair-Ricky Steamboat confrontations part 1...

Confrontation part 2...

Piece from Ultimate Ric Flair collection on the Wrestle War match...

Wrestle War match part 1...

Part 2...

Part 3...


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